Saturday, June 2, 2007

Cuba del futuro

Here's a peak into the upcoming Cuban administration. Slippery slope towards China type markets?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech and a sidenote on the media...

As you all know, Virginia Tech just had the worst shooting in U.S. history. This is horrible and I don't have to remind you that it is. These 33 who have died have also affected pretty much all of America and even the South Korean government.

The reason I would like to post on this is that I want you to think about how horrible you feel about this and think about this. In one day over 100 people died and this wasn't state ordered either. Yet, this had little affect on us. There was not much news coverage, probably because either we've gotten use to it, or frankly we don't care because its not close enough...or maybe we even hate Iraqis.

On the same note, here was MAJOR coverage over this whole Don Imus hoopla. But was anyone talking about this? Which one do you think is worse?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's for the birds and silver chopsticks

This is Kim Jong Il, the man who eats from silver chopsticks, in what appears to be a horrifically awkward picture.

Anyways, the South Korea/North Korea issue is at a real turning point. This is going to be one of the biggest stories in the upcoming year. As you may know, South Korea and North Korea have never signed a treaty to conclude the Korean War. They are technically still at war. In the recent month or two, there have been major, major changes. Just recently:

"Let's lead the rest of our life in joy and become reunited after reunification."

BTW, This is a good article of the story that is the basis for many B-movies.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The investor's theory of relativity.

Compare apples to apples? Or compare apples to oranges like Mr. Kiyosaki?

The dollar in your pocket decreased 9% last year in relation to the Euro (i.e. for every dollar in your pocket at the beginning of the year, you now have 9 cents less! You didn't have to do anything!)

Also, this is pretty cool: Terminator 4: Rise of the Mosquitos

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Chavez's visible hand*

Hugo Chavez is quite entertaining. This is my favorite. There are probably very few people happier than a Venezuelan short seller.

Also, more currency news for you to ponder.

*reference to Adam Smith's invisible hand.